Dr. Richard Yetter, Director
104 Research Building East
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: (814) 863-6375
Email: ray8@psu.edu
Dr. Eric Boyer, Assistant Director
High Pressure Combustion Lab
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: (814) 863-2264
Email: jeb19@psu.edu
Foster, G., Kempema, N., Boyer, J., Harris, J., and Yetter, R., 2023. “Experimental Investigation of Aluminum-Air Burning Velocity at Elevated Pressure”. Combustion and Flame, 248(112532).
Drewniak, D. L., Li, E., Zhou, Y., Boerchers, J. B., Wang, Q., and Yetter, R. A., 2022. “Effect of Piezoelectricity on the Reactivity of Nanoaluminum P(VDF-TrFE) Energetic Composites”. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, 21(6), pp. 1–19.
Zhu, W., Yetter, R. A., Boyer, J. E., and van Duin, A. C. T., 2022. “Mechanistic Study of Chemical Looping Reactions Between Solid Carbon Fuels and CuO”. Combustion and Flame, 244(112216).
Littler, M. G., Risha, G. A., Moore, J. D., Yetter, R. A., and Boyer, J. E., 2021. “Development and Testing of Liquid Simulants”. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 37(4), pp. 517–527.
Yetter, R. A., 2021. “Progress Towards Nanoengineered Energetic Materials”. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38(1), pp. 57–81.
Derk, G., Boyer, E., Risha, G. A., Yetter, R. A., Dobbins, R. R., and Smooke, M. D., 2021. “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of High- Pressure Nitromethane combustion”. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38(3), pp. 3325–3332.
Sim, H. S., Yetter, R. A., Hong, S., van Duin, A. C. T., Dabbs, D. M., and Aksay, I. A., 2020. “Enhanced Fuel Decomposition in the Presence of Colloidal Functionalized Graphene Sheet-Supported Platinum Nanoparticles”. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3(8), pp. 7637–7648.
Sim, H. S., Yetter, R. A., Hong, S., van Duin, A. C. T., Dabbs, D. M., and Aksay, I. A., 2020. “Functionalized Graphene Sheet as a Dispersible Fuel Additive for Catalytic Decomposition of Methylcyclohexane”. Combustion and Flame, 217, pp. 212–221.
Sim, H. S., Yetter, R. A., Connell, T. L., Dabbs, D. M., and Aksay, I. A., 2020. “Multifunctional graphene-based additives for enhanced combustion of cracked hydrocarbon fuels under supercritical conditions”. Combustion Science and Technology, 192(7, SI), pp. 1420–1435.
Nardozzo, P. K., Connell, Jr., T. L., Boyer, J. E., Yetter, R. A., and Young, G., 2020. “Diffusion Flame Studies of Solid Fuels with Nitrous Oxide”. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, 19(1), pp. 73–93.
Young, G., Risha, G. A., Connell, Jr., T. L., and Yetter, R. A., 2019. “Combustion of HTPB Based Solid Fuels Containing Metals and Metal Hydrides with Nitrous Oxide”. Propellants Explosives and Pyrotechnics, 44(6, SI), pp. 744–750.
Connell, Jr., T. L., Yetter, R. A., Risha, G. A., Huba, Z. J., Epshteyn, A., and Fisher, B. T., 2019. “Enhancement of Solid Fuel Combustion in a Hybrid Rocket Motor Using Amorphous Ti-Al-B Nanopowder Additives”. Journal of Power and Propulsion, 35(3), pp. 662–665.
Derk, G., Risha, G. A., Boyer, E., and Yetter, R. A., 2019. “High-Pressure Burning Rate Measurements by Direct Observation”. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, 18(3), pp. 213–227.
Eckert, Z., Tsolas, N., Togai, K., Chernukho, A., Yetter, R. A., and Adamovich, V, I., 2018. “Kinetics of Plasma-Assisted Oxidation of Highly Diluted Hydrocarbon Mixtures Excited by a Repetitive Nanosecond Pulse Discharge”. Journal of Physics D- Applied Physis, 51(37).
Connell, Jr., T. L., Risha, G. A., Yetter, R. A., and Natan, B., 2018. “Investigation of Gel Hydrocarbon Fuels and Hydrogen Peroxide as a Hypergollic Bipropellant”. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, 17(1), pp. 57–73.
Connell, Jr., T. L., Risha, G. A., Yetter, R. A., and Natan, B., 2018. “Hypergolic Ignition of Hydrogen Peroxide/Gel Fuel Impinging Jets”. Journal of Power and Propulsion, 34(1), pp. 182–188.
Connell, Jr., T. L., Risha, G. A., Yetter, R. A., and Natan, B., 2018. “Ignition of Hydrogen Peroxide with Gel Hydrocarbon Fuels”. Journal of Power and Propulsion, 34(1), pp. 170–181.
Epshteyn, A., Connell, T., Huba, Z., Fisher, B., and Yetter, R., 2017. “Sonochemically Generated Amorphous Ti-Al-B Nanopowder: A High-Energy-Density Solid Fuel Additive”. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 254.
Sundaram, D., Yang, V., and Yetter, R. A., 2017. “Metal-based nanoenergetic materials: Synthesis, properties, and applications”. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 61, pp. 293–365.
Tsolas, N., and Yetter, R. A., 2017. “Kinetics of Plasma Assisted Pyrolysis and Oxidation of Ethylene. Part 1: Plasma Flow Reactor Experiments”. Combustion and Flame, 176, pp. 534–546.
Tsolas, N., Togai, K., Yin, Z., Frederickson, K., Yetter, R. A., Lempert, W. R., and Adamovich, I. V., 2016. “Plasma Flow Reactor Studies of H-2/O-2/Ar Kinetics”. Combustion and Flame, 165, pp. 144–153.
Togai, K., Tsolas, N., and Yetter, R. A., 2016. “Kinetic Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Plasma-Assisted Oxidation in a H-2/O-2/Ar Mixture”. Combustion and Flame, 164, pp. 239–249.
Isert, S., Connell, T. L., Risha, G. A., Hedman, T. D., Lucht, R. P., Yetter, R. A., and Son, S. F., 2016. “Near-Surface Flame Structure Characterization of Simplified Ammonium Perchlorate/Hydroxyl-Terminated Polybutadiene Compositions”. Combustion and Flame, 164, pp. 201–211.
Cortopassi, A.C., Boyer, J.E., and Fortini, A.J., "Time- and Location-resolved Thermal Transient Measurements for Flowing Monopropellant in a Reactor Bed," JANNAF 8th Spacecraft Propulsion Subcommittee Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, December 2016.
Fortini, A.J., Cortopassi, A.C., and Boyer, J.E., "Modeling the Ignition Behavior of AF-M315E Monopropellant," JANNAF 8th Spacecraft Propulsion Subcommittee Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, December 2016.
Kerr, E.M., Cortopassi, A.C., Boyer, J.E., DeSain, J.D., Brady, B.B., Hsu-Schouten, A.G., Fuller, J.K., and Curtiss, T.J., "Advanced Hybrid Rocket Propulsion Unit for CubeSats (PUC): Rocket Testing and Integrated Metal Tank Development," JANNAF 9th Liquid Propulsion Subcommittee Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, December 2016.
Martin, H.T., Cortopassi, A.C., and Kuo, K.K., "Assessment of the Performance of Ablative Insulators under Realistic Solid Rocket Motor Operating Conditions," JANNAF Journal of Propulsion and Energetics, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 39-54, December 2016.
Kerr, E.M., Cortopassi, A.C., Boyer, J.E., "Advanced Hybrid Rocket Propulsion Unit for CubeSats (PUC)," [Poster Only] JANNAF Liquid Propulsion Subcommittee (LPS) Advanced Materials Panel (AMP) Additive Manufacturing for Propulsion Applications Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM), Huntsville, AL, August 2016.
Martin, H.T., Cortopassi, A.C., and Boyer, J.E., "An Internal Thermal Environment Model of an Aluminized Solid Rocket Motor with Experimental Validation," JANNAF 30th Rocket Nozzle Technology Subcommittee Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, December 2015.
Cortopassi, A.C., Boyer, J.E., and Martin, H.T., "Development and Testing of a Second-Generation Radiometer for SRM Internal Environments," JANNAF 30th Rocket Nozzle Technology Subcommittee Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, December 2015.
Cortopassi, A.C., Ross, A., Boyer, J.E., Schirtzinger, S.C., and Liu, Z.K., "Chemical Erosion of Carbon in SRMs by Aluminum and Aluminum Oxide," JANNAF 30th Rocket Nozzle Technology Subcommittee Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, December 2015.
Ross, A., Boyer, J.E., Liu, Z.K., and Cortopassi, A.C., "Assessment of Thermodynamic and Equilibrium Phase Behavior of the Al-C-O System at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures," JANNAF 30th Rocket Nozzle Technology Subcommittee Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, December 2015.
Cortopassi, A.C., Boyer, J.E., and McCabe J., "Low-Cost Molded Nozzle Throats for an Upper-Stage Bi-Propellant Rocket," JANNAF 30th Rocket Nozzle Technology Subcommittee Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, December 2015.
Cortopassi, A.C., Boyer, J.E., and Martin, H.T., "Evaluation of KF-EPDM and SF-PBI-NBR Internal Insulation Performance by X-ray RTR," JANNAF 30th Rocket Nozzle Technology Subcommittee Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, December 2015.
McKnight, B.R., Boyer, J.E., Nardozzo, P.K., Cortopassi, A.C., DeSain, J.D., Brady, B.B., Hsu-Schouten, A.G., Fuller, J.K., and Curtiss, T.J., "Design and Testing of an Additively Manufactured Advanced Hybrid Rocket Motor Propulsion Unit for CubeSats (PUC)," 51st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Orlando, FL, July 2015.
Boyer, J.E., Bushman, Z., Adair, J.H., and Kuo, K.K., "Combustion Enhancement of Liquid Fuels via Nanoparticle Additions: Screening, Dispersion, and Characterization," JANNAF 8th Liquid Propulsion Subcommittee Meeting, Nashville, TN, June 2015.
Kuo, K.K., Cortopassi, A.C., Rekstad, S., and Billingsley, M.C., "Modeling and Simulation of Single Fuel Droplet Combustion with Validation by Measured Data for RP-2 Liquid with and without Nanoparticle Addition," JANNAF 8th Liquid Propulsion Subcommittee Meeting, Nashville, TN, June 2015.
Boyer, J.E. and Kuo, K.K., "Comparison of Combustion Behavior of Multiple HAN-Based Monopropellant Formulations," JANNAF 7th Spacecraft Propulsion Subcommittee Meeting, Nashville, TN, June 2015.
Martin, H.T., Zhang, B., Kuo, K.K., "Temperature Sensitivity of Granular Propellants using a Conditioned Closed Bomb," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 37-50, 2014.
Martin, H.T., Houim, R., Degges, M., Kuo, K.K., "Determination of Total Surface Heat Flux to Ablative Internal Insulators in Solid Rocket Motors via Inverse Heat Conduction Analysis," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 169-191, 2014.
Armold, D., Boyer, E., McKnight, B., DeSain J.D., Fuller, J.K., Kuo, K.K., Brady, B., and Curtis, T., "Performance Characterization of Hybrid Rocket Fuel Grains with Complex Port Geometries Fabricated using Rapid Prototyping Technology," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 287-308, 2014.
Cortopassi, A.C., Armold, D.M., Boyer, J.E., and Kuo, K.K., "Evaluation of the Chemical Erosion of Carbon-Based Materials By Al/Al2O3 Under Laser Heating," JANNAF 29th Rocket Nozzle Technology Subcommittee Meeting, Charleston, SC, May 2014.
Cortopassi, A.C., Martin, H.T., Boyer, J.E., and Kuo, K.K., "Examining the Effect of Carbon-fiber Pre-cursor Material and Ply-angle on CCP Nozzle Material Performance Evaluated by Real-time X-Ray Radiography," JANNAF 29th Rocket Nozzle Technology Subcommittee Meeting, Charleston, SC, May 2014.
Cortopassi, A.C., Degges, M.J., Boyer, J.E., and Kuo, K.K., "Characterization of Common Solid Rocket Motor Materials for Use with Real-time X-ray Radiography," JANNAF 29th Rocket Nozzle Technology Subcommittee Meeting, Charleston, SC, May 2014.
Armold, D.M., Boyer, J.E., McKnight, B., Kuo, K.K., DeSain, J.D., Fuller, J.K., Brady, B.B., and Curtiss, T.J., "Test of Hybrid Rocket Fuel Grains with Swirl Patterns Fabricated Using Rapid Prototyping Technology," 50th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Cleveland, OH, July 2014.
Tigelaar,D.M., Degges, M.J., Chuang, K., Hurwitz, F.I., Kuo, K.K., Splinter, S., "Synthesis and Characterization of Hyperbranched Polyazomethine Ablators for Space Exploration Applications," Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 401-409, July-September 2014.
McKnight, B.R., Cortopassi, A.C., Boyer, J.E., DeSain, J.D., Brady, B.B., Hsu-Schouten, A.G., Fuller, J.K., and Curtiss, T.J., "Advanced Hybrid Rocket Motor Propulsion Unit for CubeSats (PUC):Initial Hybrid Rocket and Integrated Tank Design and Testing," JANNAF LPS AMP Additive Manufacturing for Propulsion Applications TIM, Huntsville, AL, September 2014.
Houim, R.W. and Kuo, K.K., "A ghost fluid method for compressible reacting flows with phase change," Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 235, pp. 865-900, 2013.
Martin, H.T., Boyer, J.E., Kuo, K.K. "Effect of Initial Temperature on the Interior Ballistics of a 120-mm Mortar System," Journal of Applied Mechanics, 80(2013)2, Special Issue: 27th International Symposium on Ballistics, May 2013, pp. 031408-1 to 031408-11.
Martin, H.T., Boyer, J.E., Kuo, K.K. "Performance Dependency of 120-mm Mortar System on Ambient Temperature Conditions," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 529-545, 2013.
Cortopassi, A. C., Boyer, E., Martin, H. T., and Kuo, K.K., "Solid Rocket Motor Nozzle Material Performance," 49th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit (ITAR), San Jose, CA, July 2013.
Armold, D.M., Boyer, J.E., Kuo, K.K., DeSain, J.D., Curtiss, T.J., and Fuller, J.K., "Test of Hybrid Rocket Fuel Grains with Swirl Patterns Fabricated Using Rapid Prototyping Technology," 49th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, San Jose, CA, July 2013.
Martin, H.T., Houim, R.W., Ferrara, P.J., Degges, M.J., Cortopassi, A.C., Boyer, E., Kuo, K.K., "A Novel Radiative Heat Flux Measurement Technique for Combustion Products Flowing in Solid Rocket Motors," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion,Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 183-196, 2013.
Kuo, K. K, Acharya, R., "Fundamentals of Turbulent and Multiphase Combustion," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, March 2012, ISBN: 978-0-470-22622-3 (903 pages)
Kuo, K. K, Acharya, R., "Applications of Turbulent and Multiphase Combustion," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, May 2012, ISBN: 978-1-118-12756-8 (598 pages)
Cortopassi, A.C., Boyer, E., Martin, H.T., and Kuo, K.K., "Solid Rocket Motor Nozzle Material Performance Evaluated by Real-time X-Ray Radiography," JANNAF 28th Rocket Nozzle Technology Subcommittee Meeting, San Antonio, TX, Apr. 2012.
Boyd, E. Houim, R. W. and Kuo, K.K "Ignition and Combustion of Nickel Coated and Uncoated Aluminum Particles in Hot Post-Flame Environment," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol. 11 (1), pp.1-16, 2012.
Essel, J.T., Boyer, J.E., Kuo, K.K., Zhang, B. "Transient Burning Behavior of Phase-Stabilized Ammonium Nitrate Based Airbag Propellant," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 473-486, 2012.
Cortopassi, A.C., Martin, H.T., Boyer, E, and Kuo, K.K., "Real-Time X-ray Radiography Diagnostics of Components in Solid Rocket Motors," 9th International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion (9-ISICP), Québec City, CA, July 2012.
Cortopassi, A.C., Algazi, R.I., Busorgin, A.Y., Boyer, E, and Kuo, K.K., "Examination of Burning Rate of an Al/AP/HTPB Composite Solid Propellant: Effect of Fe2O3 content and Al particle size," JANNAF 45th Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Monterey, CA, Dec. 2012.
Martin, H.T., Cortopassi, A.C., Houim, R., and Kuo, K.K., "Assessment of the Performance of Ablative Insulators under Realistic Solid Rocket Motor Operating Conditions," JANNAF 45th Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Monterey, CA, Dec. 2012.
Essel, J.T., Cortopassi, A.C., Kuo, K.K., Leh, C.G., and Adair, J.H., "Formation and Characterization of Nano-sized RDX Particles Produced Using the RESS-AS Process," Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, Vol. 37, No. 6, pp. 699-706, Dec. 2012.
Essel, J.T., Kuo, K.K., Adair, J.H., Merritt, A., Carter, J. "Benefits of RESOLV Process in Forming Polymer-Coated Ultrafine RDX Particles," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol. 10 (6), 2011, pp.455-468.
Houim, R., Kuo, K.K., "A Low-Dissipation Time Accurate Method for Compressible Multi-component Flow," Journal of Computational Physics, Vol.230 (23), pp. 8527-8553, 20 September 2011
Kuo, K.K., Martin, H.T., Boyer, J.E., "Detailed Ballistic Performance Characterization of 120-mm Mortar System with Different Flash Tube Configurations," 26th International Symposium on Ballistics, Miami, Florida, 12-16 September, 2011, pp. 794-805.
Martin, H.T., Houim, R.W., Boyer, J.E., Kuo, K.K., "Initial Temperature Effect on M1020 Ignition Cartridge Behavior," 26th International Symposium on Ballistics, Miami, Florida, 12-16 September, 2011, pp. 783-793.
Cortopassi, A.C., Boyer, E., and Kuo, K.K., "Study of CCP Nozzle Material Erosion Phenomena Using Real-time X-ray Radiography," JANNAF 8th Modeling and Simulation Subcommittee meeting/Special Session: Solid Propulsion Subsystems and Components, Huntsville, AL, Dec. 2011.
Boyer, J.E. and Kuo, K.K., "Characterization of the Combustion Behavior of HAN/HEHN-Based Monopropellants," JANNAF 6th Liquid Propulsion Subcommittee Meeting, Huntsville, AL, December 5-9, 2011.
Boyer, E., Wachs, T., Kuo, K., Goss, L., Crafton, J., and Nguyen, H., "Measurements of Particle Size and Velocity in Rocket Motor Conditions," JANNAF 8th Modeling and Simulation Subcommittee Meeting, Huntsville, AL, December 5-9, 2011. [MSS "Best Technical Paper" Award]
Acharya, R. and Kuo, K.K., "Implementation of Approximate Riemann Solver to Two-Phase Flows in Mortar Systems," Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 77, No. 5, pp. 51401 (9 pages), 2010.
Houim, R. W. and Kuo, K.K., "Understanding Interior Ballistic Processes in a Flash Tube," Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 77, No. 5, pp. 51403 (9 pages), 2010.
Degges, Matthew J., Boyer, Eric J., Kuo, Kenneth K., Basini, Luca, "Influence of Steam on the Flammability Limits of Premixed Natural Gas/Oxygen/Steam Mixtures," Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 165, Issue 2, 1 December 2010, Pages 633-638.
Essel, J. T., Cortopassi, A. C., and Kuo, K.K., "Synthesis and Characterization of Coated Energetic Materials Using a RESS-N System," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol. 9, No. 2. pp. 133-146. 2010.
Essel, J. T., Acharya, R., Sabourin, J. L., Zhang, B., Kuo, K.K., and Yetter, R. A., "High-Temperature Behavior of Graphite under Laser Irradiation," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol. 9, No. 3. pp. 205-218. 2010.
Acharya, R., and Kuo, K.K., "Effect of Reaction Kinetic Schemes on Graphite Rocket Nozzle Erosion," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol. 9, No. 1. pp. 71-90. 2010.
Colletti, A. E., Boyer, J.E., Kuo, K.K., and Sirignano, M. D., "Characterization of Blackpowder Igniter Jets into a Granular Bed Through Analysis of Condensed-Phase Product Deposition and Regions of Penetration," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 505-522. December 2010.
Evans, B. E., Kuo, K.K., and Cortopassi, A. C., "Characterization of Nozzle Erosion Behavior under Rocket Motor Operating Conditions," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 533-548. December 2010.
Cortopassi, A.C., Boyer, E., and Kuo, K.K., "Development of a Subscale SRM to Study CCP Nozzle Erosion Phenomena Using Real-time X-Ray Radiography," JANNAF 27th Rocket Nozzle Technology Subcommittee Meeting, Orlando, FL, Dec. 2010.
Essel, J.T., Cortopassi, A.C., Kuo, K.K., Adair, J.H., Leh, C.G., and Klapötke, T.M., "Synthesis of Energetic Materials by Rapid Expansion of Supercritical Solution into Aqueous Solution (RESS-AS) Process," JANNAF 37th Propellant and Explosives Development and Characterization Subcommittee Meeting, Orlando, FL, Dec. 2010.
Cortopassi, A.C., Boyer, E., and Kuo, K.K., "Instrumented Solid Rocket Motor for Characterization of CCP Nozzle Erosion by Aluminized Solid Propellants," JANNAF 26th Rocket Nozzle Technology Subcommittee Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, Apr. 2009.
Cortopassi, A.C., Boyer, E., and Kuo, K.K., "Update: A Subscale Solid Rocket Motor for Characterization of Submerged Nozzle Erosion," 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Denver, CO, Aug. 2009, AIAA 2009-5172.
Essel, J.T., Cortopassi, A.C., and Kuo, K.K., "Synthesis and Characterization of Coated Energetic Materials Using a RESS-N System," 8th International Symposium in Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion, Cape Town, South Africa, Nov., 2009.
Wawiernia, T.M., Cortopassi, A.C., Essel, J.T., Ferrara, P.J., Kuo, K.K., and Doherty, R., "Nano-RDX Synthesis by RESS Process and Sensitivity Characterization," 8th International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion, Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 2009.
Kuo, K.K, Acharya, R., Boyd, E.R., Thynell, S.T, "Pyrolysis Study of Succinic Acid/Polyvinyl Acetate for Reducing Nozzle Throat Erosion," Journal of Propulsion and Power Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 801-807, 2009.
Moore, J. D., Wehrman, R.B., Kuo, K. K, Ferrara, P.J., and Houim, R.W., "Flowfield Structure in a Fin-Slot Solid Rocket Motor (Part I)," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 499-508, 2009.
Moore, J.D., Kuo, K.K, Ferrara, P.J., "Flame-Spreading Behavior in a Fin-Slot Solid Rocket Motor Grain (Part II)," Journal of Propulsion and Power Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 808-814, 2009.
Moore, J.D., Ferrara, P.J., Kuo, K.K., "Combustion Processes of Two Different Pyrotechnic Pellets Used in M1020 Ignition Cartridges for 120-mm Mortar System," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol.8, No. 3, pp.221-236, 2009.
Moore, J.D., Kuo, K.K., Acharya, R., and Ferrara, P.J., "Effect of Flash-Tube Vent-Hole Patterns on the Combustion Product Discharge Rate," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol.8, No. 3, pp.199-220, 2009.
Kuo, K.K. and Hori, K. (Editors), "Advancements in Energetic Combustion and Chemical Propulsion," , Begell House Publishing, Inc., New York, Connecticut, Wallingford, UK, 1136 pages, Released January 2009, ISBN: 978-1-56700-260-7
Cortopassi, A.C., Boyer, E., Acharya, R., and Kuo, K.K., "Design of a Solid Rocket Motor for Characterization of Submerged Nozzle Erosion," 44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Hartford, CT, July 2008, AIAA-2008-4889.
Evans, B., Kuo, K.K., Ferrara, P.J., Boyd, E., and Moore, J.D, "Characterization of Nozzle Erosion Phenomena in a Solid-Propellant Rocket Motor Simulator," 44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Hartford, CT, July 2008, AIAA-2008-4884.
Cortopassi, A.C., Kuo, K.K., Ferrara, P.J., Wawiernia, T.M., and Essel, J.T., "Development of a High-Pressure RESS System for Synthesizing Nano-Sized Energetic Materials," SAMPE Fall 2008 Technical Conference, Sept. 2008.
Boyer, J.E. and Kuo, K.K., "Combustion Behavior and Flame Structure of Nitromethane," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol.6, No. 5, pp. 551-574, 2008.
Kuo, K.K., Acharya, R., Ferrara, P.J., and Moore, J.D., "Method of Characteristics Simulation of Interior Ballistic Processes of M1020 Ignition Cartridge in a 120-mm Mortar," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol.6, No. 5, pp. 629-650, 2008.
Moore, J.D., Risha, G.A., Zhang, B., and Kuo, K.K., "Acoustic Emission Measurements for Characterizing Hydrocarbon/Oxygen Diffusion Flame Behavior," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol.6, No. 6, pp. 691-712, 2008.
Evans, B., Favorito, N.A., Boyer, E., and Kuo, K.K., "Characterization of Solid Fuel Mass-Burning Enhancement Utilizing an X-Ray Translucent Hybrid Rocket Motor," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol.6, No. 6, pp. 713-732, 2008.
Ferrara, P.J. and Kuo, K.K., "Gap Distance Effect on Burning Rate of Two Opposing JA2 Propellant Grains," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol.6, No. 6, pp. 775-792, 2008.
Cortopassi, A.C., Kuo, K.K., Ferrara, P.J., Wawiernia, T.M., and Essel, J.T., "Synthesis of Nano-sized RDX Using an Ultra-High-Pressure RESS System," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol.7, No.1, pp. 39-54, 2008.
Houim, R., Boyd, E., and Kuo, K.K., "Combustion of Aluminum Flakes in the Post-Flame Zone of a Hencken Burner," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol.7, No. 1, pp. 55-72, 2008.
Evans, B., Kuo, K.K., Ferrara, P.J., Moore, J.D, Kutzler, P., Boyd, E., "Nozzle Erosion Characterization in a Non-Metallized Solid-Propellant Rocket Motor Simulator," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol.7, No. 3, pp. 209-222, 2008.
Acharya, R., and Kuo, K.K., "Effect of Different Flash-Tube Vent-Hole Patterns on Interior Ballistic of Processes of Ignition Cartridge of 120-mm Mortar System," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 383-398, 2008
Acharya, R. and Kuo, K.K.,"Graphite Rocket Nozzle Erosion Rate Reduction by Boundary-Layer Control Using Ablative Materials at High Pressures," International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol.7, No. 5, pp. 399-420, 2008.
Houim, R. and Kuo, K.K, "Multiphase Simulation of Single Aluminum Particle Evaporation and Combustion in Convective Environments,"International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Vol.7, No. 6, pp. 453-474, 2008.
Moore, J.D. and Kuo, K.K., "Effect of Changing Methane/Oxygen Coaxial Injector Configuration on Stability of Non-Premixed Flames," Combustion, Science, and Technology, Vol. 180, No. 3, pp. 401-417, 2008.
Acharya, R., Kuo, K.K., Ferrara, P. J., Rand, Jr., H. T., and Nimphius, J. R., "Comprehensive Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Interior Ballistic Processes in 120mm Mortar with Systematic Experimental Validation," 26th Army Science Conference, December 1-4, 2008, Orlando, FL.
Acharya, R. and Kuo, K.K., "Graphite Rocket Nozzle Erosion Rate Reduction by Boundary-Layer Control Using Ablative Materials," 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, January 2007, AIAA-2007-0782.
Acharya, R. and Kuo, K.K., "Graphite Rocket Nozzle Erosion Rate Reduction by Boundary-Layer Control Using Ablative Materials," 25th JANNAF Rocket Nozzle Technology Subcommittee Meeting, Newport, R.I., March 2007.
Kuo, K.K, Acharya, R., Boyd, E.R., Thynell, S.T, "Pyrolysis Study of SA/PVA as Ablative Material for a Boundary Layer Control System in High-Pressure Graphite Rocket Nozzles,' 25th JANNAF Rocket Nozzle Technology Subcommittee Meeting, Newport, R.I., March 2007.
Evans, B.J., Kuo, K.K, Ferrara, P.J., Moore, J.D., Kutzler, P. Boyd, E.R., and Miller, D.O., "Nozzle Erosion Characterization in a Solid-Propellant Rocket Motor Simulator and Qualification Tests of Solid Propellant Grains," 25th JANNAF Rocket Nozzle Technology Subcommittee Meeting, Newport, R.I., March 2007.
Boyer, E. and Kuo K. K., "Modeling of Nitromethane Flame Structure and Burning Behavior," Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 31, Part II, pp. 2045-2053, 2007.
Luman, J.R., Wehrman, B., Kuo, K.K., Yetter, R. A., Masoud, N. M., Manning, T. G., Harris, L. E., and Bruck, H.A., "Development and Characterization of High Performance Solid Propellants Containing Nano-Sized Energetic Ingredients," Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 31, Part II, pp. 2089-2096, 2007.
Acharya, R. and Kuo, K.K., "Finite Element Simulation of Interior Ballistic Processes in 120-mm Mortar System," 23rd International Symposium on Ballistics, Edited by F. Galvez and V. Sanchez-Galvez, Vol. 1, pp. 343-350. April, 2007.
Moore, J.D, Ferrara, P. J., and Kuo, K.K., "Characterization of Combustion Processes in a Windowed Flash Tube of an M1020 Ignition Cartridge for 120-mm Mortar," 23rd International Symposium on Ballistics, Edited by F. Galvez and V. Sanchez-Galvez, Vol. 1, pp. 457-464, April 2007.
Moore, J.D, and Kuo, K.K., “Characterization of Combustion Processes and Different Vent Hole Patterns in a Flash Tube of an M1020 Ignition Cartridge for 120-mm Mortar System,” 23rd International Symposium on Ballistics, Tarragona, Spain, April 2007, Paper No. IB23b.
Kuo, K.K., Acharya, R., Boyd, E.R., and Thynell, S.T., "Pyrolysis Study of Succinic Acid/Poly-vinyl Acetate as Ablative Material for Boundary Layer Control System in High-pressure Graphite Rocket Nozzle," 43rd Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, OH, July 2007.
Moore, J.D., Ferrara, P.J., and Kuo, K.K., "Flame-Spreading in a Simulated Fin-Slot Rocket Motor," 43rd Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, OH, July 2007.
Evans, B., Kuo, K.K., Ferrara, P.J., Moore, J.D., Kutzler, P., and Boyd. E., "Nozzle Throat Erosion Characterization Study Using a Solid-Propellant Rocket Motor Simulator," 43rd AIAA/ASME/ SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Cincinnati, OH, July 2007, AIAA-2007-5776.
Moore, J.D., Kuo, K.K., Acharya, R., and Ferrara, P.J., "Effect of Flash-Tube Vent-Hole Patterns on the Combustion Product Discharge Rate," 7th International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion (7-ISICP), Kyoto, Japan, September 2007.
Moore, J.D., Ferrara, P.J., and Kuo, K.K., "Combustion Processes of Two Different Pyrotechnic Pellets Used in M1020 Ignition Cartridges for 120-Mm Mortar System," 7th International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion (7-ISICP), Kyoto, Japan, September 2007.
Houim, R.W., Kuo, K.K., and Tatum, D.H., "Multiphase Simulation of Single Aluminum Particle Evaporation and Combustion in Convective Environments," 7th International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion (7-ISICP), Kyoto, Japan, September 2007.
Houim, R.W., Kuo, K.K., Boyd, E.R. "Combustion of Aluminum Flakes in the Post-Flame Zone of a Henken Burner," 7th International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion (7-ISICP), Kyoto, Japan, September 2007.
Evans, B., Kuo, K.K., Ferrara, P.J., Moore, J.D., Kutzler, P. and Boyd, E., “Nozzle Erosion Characterization in a Non-Metallized Solid-Propellant Rocket Motor Simulator,” 7th International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion (7-ISICP), Kyoto, Japan, September 2007.
Cortopassi, A.C., Kuo, K.K., Ferrara, P.J., and Essel, J.T., “Synthesis of Nano-Sized RDX Using an Ultra-High-Pressure RESS System,” 7th International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion (7-ISICP), Kyoto, Japan, September 2007.
Acharya, R. and Kuo, K.K., “Graphite Rocket Nozzle Erosion Rate Reduction by Boundary-layer Control Using Ablative Materials at High Pressures,” 7th International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion (7-ISICP), Kyoto, Japan, September 2007.
Acharya, R. and Kuo, K.K., “Effect of Different Flash-tube Vent-hole Patterns on Interior Ballistic Processes of Ignition Cartridge of 120-mm Mortar System,” 7th International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion (7-ISICP), Kyoto, Japan, September 2007.
Acharya, R. and Kuo, K.K., "Effect of Pressure and Propellant Composition Graphite Rocket Nozzle Erosion Rate," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 1242-1254, Nov.-Dec. 2007.
Thynell, S.T., Chowdhury, A., Kuo, K.K., Boyer, E., Boyd, E., and Tappan, B.C., "Study on the Rapid Thermolysis Behavior of DAATO-3.5: a High Nitrogen Compound," 44th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, San Diego, CA, December 2006.
Acharya R. and Kuo, K.K., "Effect of Chamber Pressure and Propellant Composition on Erosion Rate of Graphite Rocket Nozzle," 44th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 2006, AIAA-2006-0363.
Boyer, E. and Kuo, K.K., "Characteristics of Nitromethane for Propulsion Applications," 44th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 2006, AIAA-2006-0361.
Moore, J., Ferrara, P., Wehrman, R., and Kuo, K., "Development of a Heat-Transfer Correlation for the Fin-Slot Region of a Solid Rocket Motor," 42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, July 2006, AIAA-2006-4772.
Evans, B., Favorito, N.A., and Kuo, K.K., "Oxidizer-Type and Aluminum-Particle Addition Effects on Solid-Fuel Burning Behavior," 42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, July 2006, AIAA-2006-4676.
Evans, B., Ferrara, P.J., Moore, J.D., Boyd, E., Favorito, N.A. and Kuo, K.K., "Evaluation of Nozzle Erosion Characteristics Utilizing a Rocket Motor Simulator," 42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, July 2006, AIAA-2006-5245.
Ulas, A., Risha, G.A., and Kuo, K.K., "An Investigation of the Performance of a Boron/Potassium-Nitrate Based Pyrotechnic Igniter," Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 311-317, Aug. 2006.
Kuo, K.K. and Zhang, B., "Transient Burning Characteristics of JA2 Propellant Using Experimentally Determined Zel'dovich Map," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 455-461, March-April 2006.
Evans, B., Favorito, N.A. and Kuo, K.K., "Study of Solid Fuel Burning-Rate Enhancement Behavior in an X-ray Translucent Hybrid Rocket Motor," 41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Tucson, AZ, July 2005, AIAA-2005-3909.
Tatum, D., Houim, R., and Kuo, K.K., “Ignition And Combustion Of Nano-Scale Asymmetric Aluminum Particles In Hot Gas Environment,” 12th International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-12), Tenerife, Spain, August 2005.
Kuo, K.K., Acharya, R., Ferrara, P.J., and Moore, J.D., "Method of Characteristics Simulation of Interior Ballistic Processes of M1020 Ignition Cartridge in a 120-mm Mortar System," JANNAF 40th Combustion Subcommittee and 4th Modeling and Simulation Subcommittee Joint Meeting, North Charleston, SC, June 2005.
Boyer, E., and Kuo, K.K., "Combustion Behavior and Flame Structure of Nitromethane," JANNAF 40th Combustion Subcommittee and 4th Modeling and Simulation Subcommittee Joint Meeting, North Charleston, SC, June 2005.
Kuo, K.K., Tatum, D., and Harper, J. "Reaction Rates and Dynamics of Concentrated Hydrogen Peroxide and Various Reagents for Pressure Generation and Propulsion Applications," JANNAF 40th Combustion Subcommittee and 4th Modeling and Simulation Subcommittee Joint Meeting, North Charleston, SC, June 2005.
Ferrara, P.J. and Kuo, K.K., “Gap Distance Effect on Burning Rate of Two Opposing JA2 Propellant Grains," JANNAF 40th Combustion Subcommittee and 4th Modeling and Simulation Subcommittee Joint Meeting, North Charleston, SC, June 2005.
Evans, B., Kuo, K.K., Ferrara, P.J., Boyd, E., Favorito, N.A., Moore, J.D., and Acharya, R., "Design of a Solid-Propellant Rocket Motor Simulator for Nozzle Erosion Characterization Study under High-Pressure Conditions," JANNAF 24th Rocket Nozzle Technology Subcommittee Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 2005.
Kuo, K. and Acharya R., “Effect of Chamber Pressure and Propellant Composition on Erosion Rate of Graphite Rocket Nozzle,” JANNAF 24th Rocket Nozzle Technology Subcommittee Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 2005.
Moore, J. D., Risha, G.A., Kuo, K.K., and D’Agostini, M. D., "Effect of Reactant Initial Temperature on Methane/Oxygen Diffusion Flame Stability in a Furnace," Journal of Combustion Science & Technology, Vol. 177, No. 11, 2005, pp. 2069-2089(21).
Luman, J. R., Boyer, E., Risha, G.A., Kuo, K.K., Yetter, R.A., Harris, L.E., Manning, T., and Paduano, M., "Development and Characterization of Gun Propellants with Enhanced Performance," JANNAF 32nd PDCS meeting, Seattle, WA, July 2004
Risha, G. A., Boyer, E., Evans, B., Kuo, K. K., and Malek, R., "Characterization of Nano-Sized Particles for Propulsion Applications" in Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, Vol. 800, Synthesis, Characterization and Properties of Energetic/Reactive Nanomaterials, Eds. R.W. Armstrong, N.N. Thadhani, W.H. Wilson, J.J. Gilman, Z. Munir, and R.L. Simpson, 2003, pp. 243-256. DOI: PROC-800-AA6.6
Kuo, K. K., Risha, G. A., Evans, B., and Boyer, E., "Potential Usage of Energetic Nano-sized Powders for Combustion and Rocket Propulsion," in Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, Vol. 800, Synthesis, Characterization and Properties of Energetic/Reactive Nanomaterials, Eds. R.W. Armstrong, N.N. Thadhani, W.H. Wilson, J.J. Gilman, Z. Munir, and R.L. Simpson, 2003, pp. 3-14. DOI: PROC-800-AA1.1
Risha, G.A., Boyer, E., Wehrman, R.B., and Kuo, K.K. "Performance Comparison of HTPB-Based Solid Fuels Containing Nano-Sized Energetic Powder in a Cylindrical Hybrid Rocket Motor,” 38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Indianapolis, IN, July 2002, AIAA-2002-3576.
Chang, Y.P., Josten, J.K., Zhang, B.Q., Kuo, K.K., and Reed, B.D., "Combustion Characteristics of Energetic HAN/Methanol-Based Monopropellants," 38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Indianapolis, IN, July 2002, AIAA-2002-4032.
Boyer, E., Risha, G.A, Kuo, K.K., and Devendorf, T.E., "Combustion Characteristics of Non-Toxic Non-Hypergolic Bi-Propellants," 38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Indianapolis, IN, July 2002, AIAA-2002-4297.
Kuo, K.K. and Young, G., “Characterization of Combustion Behavior of Newly Formulated NF2-Based Solid Propellants,” 29th International Symposium on Combustion, Sapporo, Japan, July 2002.
Chang, Y.P., and Kuo, K.K., "Assessment of Combustion Characteristics and Mechanism of Hydroxylammonium Nitrate-Based Liquid Monopropellant," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 1076-1085, Sep.-Oct., 2002.
Chiaverini, M. J., Kuo, K.K., Peretz, A., and Harting, G.C., "Regression-Rate and Heat-Transfer Correlations for Hybrid Rocket Combustion," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 99-110, Jan-Feb, 2001.
Mordosky, J.W., Kuo, K.K., Zhang, B.Q., Tepper, F. and Kaledin, L.A., “Utilization of nano-sized aluminum particles in RP-1 gel propellants for spray combustion in a rocket engine,” American Chemical Society 221st National Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA, April 2001.
Kuo, K.K. and Yetter, R.A., “Unique Features of Nano-sized Energetic Materials and Challenges in Their Further Development for Defense Applications,” American Chemical Society 221st National Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA, April 2001.
Risha, G.A., Ulas, A., Boyer, E., Kumar, S., and Kuo, K.K., “Performance of Several HTPB-Based Hybrid Rocket Fuel Formulations Containing Nano-Phase Energetic Particles,” American Chemical Society 221st National Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA, April 2001.
Young, G. and Kuo, K.K., “Characterization of Combustion and Propulsive Behavior of NF2-Based Solid Propellants,” 50th JANNAF Propulsion Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, July 2001.
Young, G., Boyer, E., Risha, G.A., Kuo, K.K., Naylor, R., Snurr, G., Geiger, P., and Kline, G., “Effect of Processing Procedures on Solid Propellant Burning Rate,” 50th JANNAF Propulsion Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, July 2001.
Kuo, K.K., Kokal, R. A., Paulauskas, M., Alaksin, P., and Lee, L. S., "Flame-Spreading Phenomena in Fin Slots of a Solid Rocket Motor," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 1005-1011, Sep.-Oct., 2001.
Chang, Y.-P., Boyer, E., and Kuo, K.K., "Combustion Behavior and Flame Structure of XM46 Liquid Propellant," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 800-808, Jul.-Aug., 2001.
Risha, G.A., Ulas, A., Boyer, E., Kumar, S., and Kuo, K.K., “Combustion of HTPB-Based Solid Fuels Containing Nano-Sized Energetic Powder in Hybrid Rocket Motor,” Fine Powder Processing (FPP) 2001, State College, PA, October 2001.
Ulas, A., Kuo, K.K., and Gotzmer, C., "Ignition and Combustion of Boron Particles in Fluorine-Containing Environments" Combustion and Flame, Vol. 127, No. 1/2, pp. 1935-1957, 2001.
Chiaverini, M. J., Serin, N., Johnson, D., Lu, Y.C., Kuo, K.K., and Risha, G.A., "Regression Rate Behavior of Hybrid Rocket Solid Fuels ," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 125-132, Jan.-Feb. 2000.
Chang, Y.P., Boyer, J.E., and Kuo, K.K., “Combustion Behavior and Flame Structure of XM46 Liquid Propellant,” 38th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 2000.
Mench, M.M., Kuo, K.K., Hansel, J.G., Houghton, P.A., and Rogusky, E.C., "Flame-Spreading and Violent Energy Release (VER) Phenomena of Aluminum Tubing Burning in Liquid and Gaseous Oxygen Environments," Ninth International Symposium on Compatibility and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres, Paris, France, September 2000.
Boyer, J.E., and Kuo, K.K., "High-Pressure Combustion Behavior of Nitromethane," 35th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Los Angeles, CA, June 1999, AIAA-99-2358.
Risha, G.A., Ulas, A., Kuo, K.K., Koch, D.E., Ludwig, C.P., and Glick,R., "Characterization of Output Mass and Energy Fluxes of a Pyrotechnic Igniter," 35th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Los Angeles, CA, June 1999, AIAA-99-2631.
Risha, G.A., Ulas, A., Kuo, K.K., Koch, D.E., Ludwig, C.P., and Glick, R., "Combustion Behavior of TAL-1308 Composite Solid Propellant for Airbag Applications," 35th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Los Angeles, CA, June 1999, AIAA-99-2632.
Serin, N., Chiaverini, M., Harting, G., Hori, K., and Kuo, K.K., "Pressure Correction of Ultrasonic Regression Rate Measurements of a Hybrid Slab Motor," 35th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Los Angeles, CA, June 1999, AIAA-99-2319.
Kuo, K.K., “Intrinsic Burning Behavior and Flame Structure Diagnostics of Liquid Propellants,” ARO/AFOSR Contractors Meeting in Chemical Propulsion, Bar Harbor, ME, June 1999.
Harting, G.C., Hori, K., and Kuo, K.K., “Comparison of GAP Monopropellant Combustion Behavior under Gaseous Oxygen Cross-flow, Pressure Excursions, and Steady-State Burning Conditions,” 1999 JANNAF CS/APS/PSHS Joint Meeting, NASA Space Center, Cocoa Beach, FL, October 1999
Harting, G.C., Mordosky, J.W., Zhang, B.Q., Cook, T.T., and Kuo, K.K., “Burning Rate Characterization of OXSOL Liquid Oxidizer,” 1999 JANNAF CS/APS/PSHS Joint Meeting, NASA Space Center, Cocoa Beach, FL, October 1999.
DeSena, J. T., and Kuo, K.K., "Evaluation of Stored Energy in Ultra-fine Aluminum Powder Produced by Plasma Explosion," Special Issue of Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 15, No. 6, Nov.-Dec., 1999, pp. 794-800.
Chiaverini, M. J., Harting, G.C., Lu, Y.C., Kuo, K.K., Peretz, A., Jones, H. S., Wygle, B. S., and Arves, J. P., "Pyrolysis Behavior of Hybrid Rocket Solid Fuels Under Rapid Heating Conditions," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 15, No. 6, Nov.-Dec., 1999, pp. 888-895.
Risha, G.A., Kuo, K.K., Lu, Y.C., Koch, D. E., Blomquist, H., and Helmy, A. K., "Flame Propagation Processes in a Simulated Combustor for Heated-Gas Airbag Inflators," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 15, No. 6, Nov.-Dec., 1999, 8 pages.
Kuo, K.K., “Dynamic Burning Behavior of Several Solid Propellants,” Measurement of Thermophysical and Ballistic Properties of Energetic Materials: The Bo Stokes Memorial Workshop, Milan, Italy, June 1998.
Risha, G.A., Harting, G.C., Kuo, K.K., Peretz, A., Koch, D.E. Jones, H.S., and Arves, J.P., “Pyrolysis and Combustion of Solid Fuels in Various Oxidizing Environments,” 34th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Cleveland, OH, July 1998, AIAA-98-3184.
Chiaverini, M. Kuo, K.K., Peretz, A. and Harting, G., “Regression Rate and Heat Transfer Correlations for HTPB/GOX Combustion in a Hybrid Rocket Engine,” 34th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Cleveland, OH, July 1998, AIAA-98-3185.
Harting, G.C., Risha, G.A., and Kuo, K.K., "Characterization of GAP Monopropellant Burning Rate for Hybrid Motor Applications," 1998 JANNAF Propulsion Meeting, Cleveland, OH, July 1998.
Risha, G.A., Ulas, A., Kuo, K.K., Koch, D.E., Ludwig, C.P., and Glick, R., "Characterization of Combustion Behavior of TAL-1308 Solid Propellant," JANNAF 35th Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Tucson, AZ, December 1998.
Boyer, J.E., and Kuo, K.K., "Flame Structure and Combustion Behavior of Nitromethane," JANNAF 35th Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Tucson, AZ, December 1998.
Ulas, A., Kuo, K.K., and Yeh, C.L., "Ignition and Combustion of Single Boron Particle in Fluorine/Oxygen Containing Environments," JANNAF 35th Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Tucson, AZ, December 1998.
Mench, M.M., Kuo, K.K., Yeh, C.L., and Lu, Y.C., "Comparison of Thermal Behavior of Regular and Ultra-fine Aluminum Powders (Alex) Made from Plasma Explosion Process," Comb. Sci & Tech, June, 1998, Vol 135, No. 1-6, pp. 269-292.
Yeh, C.L., Johnson, D. K., Kuo, K.K. and Mench, M. M., "Flame-spreading Process over Thin Aluminum Sheets in Oxygen-enriched Environments," Comb. Sci & Tech, 1998, Vol 137, No. 1-6, pp. 195-216, August, 1998.
Yeh, C.L., Kuo, K.K., Klimkiewicz, M., and Brown, P. W., "Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy Studies of Diffusion Mechanism of Boron Particle Combustion," Journal of Scanning Microscopes, Vol. 19, pp. 114-118, March, 1997.
Yang, A. S., Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K.K., "Theoretical Study of Supersonic Flow Separation over a Rearward-Facing Step," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 324-326, March-April, 1997.
Ritchie, S. J., Thynell, S. T., and Kuo, K.K., "Modeling and Experiments of Laser-Induced Ignition of Nitramine Propellants," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 367-374, May-June, 1997.
Chiaverini, M.J., Kuo, K.K., Peretz, A., and Harting, G.C., “Heat Flux and Internal Ballistic Characterization of a Hybrid Rocket Moter Analog,” 33rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Seattle, WA, July 1997, AIAA-97-3080.
Chiaverini, M.J., Harting, G.C., Lu, Y.C., Kuo, K.K., and Peretz, A., “Pyrolysis Behavior of Hybrid Rocket Solid Fuels Under Rapid Heating Conditions,” 33rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Seattle, WA, July 1997, AIAA-97-3078.
Boyer, E., and Kuo, K.K., “Influence of Processing Procedures and Propellant Ingredients on RDX-Based Pseudopropellant Dark Zone,” 33rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Seattle, WA, July 1997, AIAA-97-3235.
Lu, Y.C., Boyer, E., Koch, D., and Kuo, K.K., “Measurement of Intrinsic Burning Rate of Nitromethane,” 33rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Seattle, WA, July 1997, AIAA-97-3107.
Yeh, C.L., Mench, M. M., and Kuo, K.K., "An Investigation on Flame-Spreading Process of Thin Film Mg/PTFE/Mg Pyrotechnics," Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 126, No. 1-6, pp. 271-290, July-August, 1997.
Brossard, C., Ulas, A., Yeh, C.L., and Kuo, K.K., “Ignition and Combustion of Isolated Aluminum Particles in the Post-Flame Region of a Flat-Flame Burner,” 16th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems Program, Cracow, Poland, August 1997.
Mench, M., Kuo, K.K., Lu, Y.C., and Yeh, C.L., “Comparison of Thermal Behavior of Regular and Ultra-fine Aluminum Particles (Alex) Made from Plasma Explosion Process,” 16th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems Program, Cracow, Poland, August 1997.
Ulas, A., Kuo, K.K., "Effect of Aging on Ignition Delay Times of a Composite Solid Propellant Under CO2 Laser Heating," Combustion Science and Technology, Volume 127, No. 1-6, pp. 319-332, August-September, 1997.
Harting, G.C., Risha, G.A., Peretz, A., and Kuo, K.K., “Effect of Curing Agent on the Burning Rate of Gap Monopropellant,” 9th Annual Symposium, Ohio Aerospace Institute, Cleveland, OH, October 1997.
Ulas, A. and Kuo, K.K., “Ignition Characteristics of Aged Composite Propellants Under CO2 Laser Heating,” 9th Annual Symposium, Ohio Aerospace Institute, Cleveland, OH, October 1997.
Boyer, J.E., Koch, D., Kuo, K.K., and Lu, Y.C., “Intrinsic Burning Rate and Temperature Sensitivity of Nitromethane,” 34th JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, West Palm Beach, FL,October 1997.
Jennings, S., Chang, Y.P., Koch, D., and Kuo, K.K., “Peculiar Combustion Characteristics of XM46 Liquid Propellant,” 34th JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, West Palm Beach, FL, October 1997.
Mench, M., Kuo, K.K., and Lu, Y.C., “Characterization of Burning Rate, Temperature Sensitivity and Stability Behavior of Two Bi-Plateau AP-based Composite Propellants,” 34th JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, West Palm Beach, FL, October 1997.
Lu, Y.C., Ulas, A., Boyer, J.E., and Kuo, K.K., "Determination of Temperature Profiles of Self-Deflagrating RDX by UV/Visible Absorption Spectroscopy and Fine-Wire Thermocouples," Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 123, No.1-6, pp. 147-163, 1997.
Lu, Y.C., Freyman, T. M., and Kuo, K.K., "UV/Visible Absorption Spectroscopy of Dark Zones in Solid-Propellant Flames," Combustion and Flame, Vol. 109, No. 3, pp. 342-352, 1997.
Chiaverini, M. J., Serin, N., Johnson, D. K., Lu, Y. C., Kuo, K. K., and Risha, G. A., “Thermal Pyrolysis and Combustion of HTPB-Based Solid Fuels for Hybrid Rocket Motor Applications,” 32nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Lake Buena Vista, FL, July 1996, AIAA-96-2845.
Yang, A. S., Hsieh, W. H., Kuo, K.K., "Combustion of Liquid Oxygen with Hydrogen Under High-Pressure Conditions," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 12, pp. 1001-1004, September-October, 1996.
Kuo, K. K., “Summary of Fourth ISICP Symposium on Challenges in Propellants and Combustion 100 Years After Nobel,” 33rd JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Monterey, CA, November 1996.
Koch, D., Lu, Y. C., Kuo, K. K., and Jones, E., “Design and Development of a Liquid-Propellant Strand Burner with Initial Application to Nitromethane,” 33rd JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Monterey, CA, November 1996.
Ulas, A., Lu, Y. C., Kuo, K. K., and Chang, Y. P., “Ignition Delay and Flame Structure Measurements of RDX-Based Pseudo Propellants,” 33rd JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Monterey, CA, November 1996.
Boyer, J. E. and Kuo, K. K., “Effects of Processing Procedures and Propellant Ingredients on the Presence of Dark Zone of RDX-Based Pseudopropellants,” 33rd JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Monterey, CA, November 1996.
Kuo, K. K., “Summary of Fourth ISICP Symposium on Challenges in Propellants and Combustion 100 Years After Nobel,” 1996 JANNAF Propulsion Systems Hazards Subcommittee Meeting, Monterey, CA, November 1996.
Chiaverini, M. J., Serin, N., Johnson, D. K., Lu, Y. C., Kuo, K. K., and Risha, G. A., “Combustion Behavior of HTPB-Based Solid Fuels in a Hybrid Rocket Simulator,” 1996 JANNAF Propulsion Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, December 1996.
Lu, Y.C. and Kuo, K.K., "Thermal Decomposition Study of Hydroxyl-Terminated Polybutadiene (HTPB) Solid Fuel," Thermochimica Acta, Vol. 275, pp. 181-191, 1996.
Yeh, C.L. and Kuo, K.K., "Ignition and Combustion of Boron Particles," Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Vol. 22, pp. 511-541, 1996.
Boyer, J. E., Lu, Y. C., and Kuo, K. K., “Characterization of Condensed-Phase Chemical Reactions of RDX,” 31st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, San Diego, CA, July 1995, AIAA-95-2994.
Chiaverini, M. J., Harting, G. C., Lu, Y. C., Kuo, K. K., Serin, N., and Johnson, D. K., “Fuel Decomposition and Boundary-Layer Combustion Processes of Hybrid Rocket Motors,” 31st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, San Diego, CA, July 1995, AIAA-95-2686.
Lu, Y. C., Ulas, A., Kuo, K. K., and Freyman, T. M., “Absorption Spectroscopy of Solid Propellant Flames,” 31st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, San Diego, CA, July 1995, AIAA-95-2713.
Ritchie, S., Thynell, S., and Kuo, K. K., “Modeling and Experiments of Laser-Induced Ignition of Nitramine Propellants," 31st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, San Diego, CA, July 1995, AIAA-95-2862.
Yeh, C. L., and Kuo, K. K., “Experimental Studies of Boron Particle Combustion,” 8th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena in Combustion, San Francisco, CA, July 1995.
Yeh, C. L., and Kuo, K. K., “Theoretical Model Development and Verification of Diffusion/Reaction Mechanisms of Boron Particle Combustion,” 8th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena in Combustion, San Francisco, CA, July 1995.
Huang, T. H., Thynell, S. T., and Kuo, K.K., "Hot Fragment Conductive Ignition of Nitramine-Based Propellants," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 11, No. 4, July-August, pp. 781-790, 1995.
Boyer, J. E., Lu, Y. C., Brown, P. W., and Kuo, K. K., “The Characterization of the Burning Surface of Nitramine Propellants,” 32nd JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Huntsville, AL, October 1995.
Chiaverini, M. J., Harting, G. C., Lu, Y. C., Kuo, K. K., Serin, N., and Johnson, D. L., “Combustion of Solid Fuel Slabs with Gaseous Oxygen in a Hybrid Motor Analog,” 32nd JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Huntsville, AL, October 1995.
Kopicz, C., Watson, T., Kuo, K. K., and Thynell, S. T., “Combustion Behavior and Thermochemical Properties of JA2 Propellant,” 32nd JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Huntsville, AL, October 1995.
Ritchie, S. J., Kuo, K. K., and Thynell, S. T., “Modeling and Experiments of Laser-Induced Ignition of Nitramine Propellants,” 32nd JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Huntsville, AL, October 1995.
Ulas, A., Lu, Y. C., Kuo, K. K., Freyman, T. M., “Measurement of Temperatures and NO and OH Concentrations of Solid Propellant Flames Using Absorption Spectroscopy,” 32nd JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Huntsville, AL, October 1995.
Laxton, J. A., Kuo, K. K., and Lu, Y. C., “Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Physicochemical Processes Occurring in the Two-Phase Foam Layer of Burning RDX,” 32nd JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Huntsville, AL, October 1995.
Kim, E. S., Thynell, S. T., and Kuo, K. K., “Improvements to Modeling of Hot Fragment Conductive Ignition of Nitramine-Based Propellants,” 32nd JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Huntsville, AL, October 1995.
Watson, T. J., Kuo, K. K., and Thynell, S. T., “Combustion Characteristics of Layered Gun Propellants,” 32nd JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Huntsville, AL, October 1995.
Cohen, D., Kuo, K. K., Ritchie, S. J., and Lu, Y. C., “Evaluation of the Effectiveness of an Industrial Repair Procedure for Solid-Propellant Grains,” 1995 JANNAF Propulsion and Subcommittee Joint Meetings, Tampa, FL, December 1995.
Kuo, K. K., Lu, Y. C., and Ritchie, S. J., "Propensity of Flame Spreading into Propellant Slits under Simulated Rocket-Motor Environments," 1995 JANNAF Propulsion and Subcommittee Joint Meetings, Tampa, FL, December 1995.
Lu, Y.C., Harting, G.C., Chiaverini, M. J., and Kuo, K.K., "A Method for Embedding Fine-Wire Thermocouples for Solid-Fuel Surface Temperature Measurements," Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 110-104, Dec. 1995, pp. 563-570.
Riviera, J. D, Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K.K., "Theoretical Modelling of the Combustion Processes of Programmed Splitting Stick Propellants," Propellant, Explosives, and Pyrotechnics 20, pp. 41-47, 1995.
Lu, Y.C., Freyman, T. M., and Kuo, K.K., "Measurement of Temperatures and OH Concentrations of Solid Propellant Flames using Absorption Spectroscopy," Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 104, No. 1-3, pp. 193-205, 1995.
Thynell, S. T., Huang, T. H., and Kuo, K. K., “Theoretical and Experimental Study of Partially Confined Hot Fragment Conductive Ignition of XM39 and M43 Propellants,” 31st JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Sunnyvale, CA, October 1994.
Boyer, E., Lu, Y. C., Desmarais, K., and Kuo, K. K., “Observation and Characterization of Burning Surface Reacting Zones of Solid Propellants,” 31st JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Sunnyvale, CA, October 1994.
Lu, Y.C., Freyman, T., and Kuo, K. K., “Measurement of Temperatures and OH Concentrations of Solid Propellant Flames Using Absorption Spectroscopy,” 31st JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Sunnyvale, CA, October 1994.
Watson, T. J., Kuo, K. K., and Thynell, S. T., “Assessment of Dynamic Burning Behavior of JA-2 Propellant Rods,” 31st JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Sunnyvale, CA, October 1994.
Lu, Y.C., and Kuo, K.K., "Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Combustion Process Inside a Solid-Propellant Crack," Propellant, Explosives, and Pyrotechnics 19, pp. 217-226, 1994.
Yeh, Y. P., Cheung, F. B., Kuo, K. K. and Litzinger, T. A., "Numerical Study of an Axisymmetric Turbulent Jet-Impingement Flow," 31st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 1993.
Ritchie, S. J., Kuo, K. K., and Thynell, S. T., "Shock-Induced Conductive Ignition of Solid Propellants," 29th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Monterey, CA., June 1993, AIAA-93-1879.
Brown, J. J., Thynell, S. T., and Kuo, K. K., "Regression Behavior of Composite Layered Gun Propellants," 29th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Monterey, CA., June 1993, AIAA-93-1880.
Lu, Y. C., Kuo, K. K., and Wu, S. R., "Crack Propagation Process in A Burning AP-Based Composite Solid Propellant," 29th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Monterey, CA., June 1993, AIAA-93-2168.
Yang, A. S., Hsieh, W. H., Kuo, K. K., and Brown, J. J., "Evaporation of LOX Under Supercritical and Subcritical Conditions," 29th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Monterey, CA., June 1993, AIAA-93-2188.
Kuo, K. K., Kokal, R. A., Paulauskas, M., Alaksin, P., and Lee, L. S., "Flame-Spreading Phenomena in the Fin-Slot Region of a Solid Rocket Motor," 29th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Monterey, CA., June 1993. AIAA-93-2310.
Ritchie, S. J., Wu, S. R., Thynell, S. T., and Kuo, K. K., "Shock-Induced, Hot Gas Conductive Ignition Characteristics of Solid Gun Propellants," 1993 JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Monterey, CA., November 1993.
Kuo, K. K. and Cheung, F. B., "Droplet Entrainment and Breakup By Shear Flows," 1993 JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Monterey, CA., November 1993.
Huang, T. H., Thynell, S. T., and Kuo, K. K., "Partially Confined Hot Fragment Conductive Ignition: Part I-Modeling," 1993 JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Monterey, CA., November 1993.
Huang, T. H., Thynell, S. T., and Kuo, K. K., "Partially Confined Hot Fragment Conductive Ignition: Part II-Experiments," 1993 JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Monterey, CA., November 1993.
Thynell, S. T., Kumar, B., Brown, J., and Kuo, K. K., "Transient Combustion Behavior of a Thin Propellant Disks," 1993 JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Monterey, CA., November 1993.
Brown, J. J., Thynell, S. T., and Kuo, K. K., "Non-Intrusive Diagnostics of Transient Regression Behavior Of Gun Propellant Disks," 1993 JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Monterey, CA., November 1993.
Kuo, K. K., Kokal, R. A., Paulauskas, M., Alaksin, P., and Lee, L. S., "Flame-Spreading Phenomena in Fin-Slot Region of a Solid Rocket Motor," 1993 JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Monterey, CA., November 1993.
Kuo, K. K. and Lu, Y. C., "Modeling of Physicochemical Processes of Burning RDX Monopropellants," 1993 JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Monterey, CA., November 1993.
Wilson, S. J., Fetherolf, B. L., Brown, P. W., and Kuo, K. K., "Surface Microstructure Resulting From Laser-Induced Pyrolysis and Combustion of M43 and XM39," 1993 JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Monterey, CA., November 1993.
Fetherolf, B. L., Litzinger, T. A., Lu, Y. C., and Kuo, K. K., "A Comparison of the Physical and Chemical Processes Governing the CO2 Laser-Induced Pyrolysis and Deflagration of XM39 and M43," 1993 JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Monterey, CA., November 1993.
Kuo, K.K., Kim, J. U., Fetherolf, B. L., and Torikai, T., "Preignition Dynamics of RDX-Based Energetic Materials Under CO2 Laser Heating," Combustion and Flame, Vol. 95, No.4, pp. 351-361, 1993.
Kuo, K. K., Kim, J. U., Fetherolf, B. L., and Torikai, T., "Pre-Ignition Dynamics of RDX-Based Energetic Materials Under CO2 Laser Heating," International Conference on Heterogeneous Combustion, Dead Sea, Israel, January 1992
Wu, S.R., Lu, Y.C., Kuo, K.K. and Yang, V., "Anomalous Combustion of Solid Propellant in a Propagating Debond Cavity," 30th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 1992, AIAA-92-0770
Wu, S.R., Lu, Y.C., Kuo, K.K. and Yang, V., "Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Combustion Processes Inside a Solid Propellant Crack Cavity," AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 1992, AIAA-92-0102.
Jarmowycz, T. A., Yang, V., and Kuo, K.K., "Numerical Study of Solid-Fuel Combustion Under Supersonic Crossflows," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 346-353, March-April 1992.
Chen, J. L., Kuo, K.K., and Cheung, F. B., "Theoretical Modeling of the Interior Ballistic Processes in an Electrothermal Chemical Gun," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 655-666, May-June, 1992.
Ritchie, S. J., Hsieh, W.-H., and Kuo, K.K., "Ignition of RDX-Based Solid Propellant Subjected to Crossflow Convective Heating," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 570-577, May-June, 1992.
Klotz, S., Thynell, S. T., Huang, I-T., and Kuo, K.K., "Analysis of Plumes of Solid Propellant Combustion Using a Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectrometer," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 537-538, May-June, 1992.
Wu, S. R., Lu, Y. C., Kuo, K. K. and Yang, V., "Combustion-Induced Crack/Debond Propagation in a Metalized Propellant," 28th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEEJoint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Nashville, TN, July 1992, AIAA-92-3506.
Thynell, S. T., Huang, I. T., Kuo, C. S., Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K.K., "Approach to Measurements of Flame Spreading Over Solid Propellants," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 914-917, July-August, 1992.
Woodward, R., Burch, R., Kline, M., Cheung, F-B, and Kuo, K. K., "Measurement of Intact- Liquid-Core Length of Rocket Engine Coaxial Injectors," 4th Annual Symposium of PERC/PSU, Huntsville, AL, Sept. 1992.
Yang, A., Brown, J., Hsieh, W.-H. and Kuo, K., "Evaporation of the Lox Under Super-Critical and Sub-Critical Conditions," 4th Annual Symposium of PERC/PSU, Huntsville, AL, Sept. 1992.
Kuo, K. K., "Modeling of Solid Propellants Steady Combustion," NATO/AGARD Short Course, Munich, Germany, AGARD-LS-180, pp. 4-1 to 4-35, September 1992.
Kuo, K. K., "Ignition and Unsteady Combustion", NATO/AGARD Short Course, Munich, Germany, AGARD-LS-180, pp. 8-1 to 8-51, September 1992.
Thynell, S. T. and Kuo, K. K., "Characterization of Combustion Behavior of Energetic Hydrocarbon Fuels," 5th ONR Propulsion Meeting, Arlington, VA, Sept. 1992.
Kuo, K. K., Wu, S. R., Lu, Y. C., and Yang, V., "Combustion-Induced Crack/Debond Propagation in High-Elongation Propellants," JANNAF Propulsion Systems Hazards Subcommittee Meeting, Silver Spring, MD, April 1992.
Chen, J. L., Hsieh, W.-H., Wu, T. W., and Kuo, K. K., "Jet Penetration Characteristics and Taylor Cavity Development Processes Associated with Electrothermal Chemical Guns," 29th JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Hampton, VA, October 1992.
Brown, J. J., Thynell, S. T., and Kuo, K. K., "Regression Behavior of Composite Layered Gun Propellants," 29th JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Hampton, VA, October 1992.
Chen, J. L., Cheung, F. B., and Kuo, K.K., "Effects of Electrical/Chemical Energy Input on the Interior Ballistics of an Electrothermal Chemical Gun," Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 17, pp. 131-138, 1992.
Huang, I. T., Thynell, S. T., and Kuo, K.K., "Measurements and Theory of Signal-to-Noise Ratio of FT-IR Emission Spectrometry Applied to High-Pressure Solid Propellant Combustion," Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 46, No. 7, pp. 1182-1188, 1992.
Jarymowycz, T. A., Yang, V., and Kuo, K. K., "Analysis of Boron Particle Ignition Above a Burning Solid Fuel in a High Velocity Environment," Combustion of Boron Based Solid Propellants and Solid Fuels: The Second International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion, Lampoldshausen, Germany, March 1991.
Pace, K. K., Jarymowycz, T. A., Yang, V., and Kuo, K. K., "Effect of Magnesium Coated Boron Particles on Burning Characteristics of Solid Fuels in High Speed Crossflows," Combustion of Boron Based Solid Propellants and Solid Fuels: The Second International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion, Lampoldshausen, Germany, March 1991.
Yang, A. S., Huang, I. T., Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K. K., "Burning Rate Characteristics of Boron/[BAMO/NMMO] Fuel Rich Solid Propellant Under Broad Ranges of Pressure and Temperature," Combustion of Boron Based Solid Propellants and Solid Fuels: The Second International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion, Lampoldshausen, Germany, March 1991.
Salizzoni, R. M., Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K. K., "Temperature Sensitivity Measurements and Regression Behavior of a Family of Boron Based Very High Burning Rate Propellants," Combustion of Boron Based Solid Propellants and Solid Fuels: The Second International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion, Lampoldshausen, Germany, March 1991.
Wu, S. R., Lu, Y. C., Kuo, K. K., and Yang, V., "Simulation of Anomalous Combustion Processes of Solid Propellant with Crack/Debond Cavity in a Motor Analog," 1991 JANNAF Propulsion System Hazards Subcommittee Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, March 1991.
Chen, D. M., Hsieh, W. H., Snyder, T. S., Yang, V., and Kuo, K.K., "Combustion Behavior and Thermophysical Properties of Metal Based Solid Fuels," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 250-257, March-April, 1991.
Hsieh, W. H., Chen, C. L., Kuo, K. K., and Siefert, J. G., "Flow Characteristics of Very High Pressure Gas Compressors," ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, San Diego, CA, June 1991.
Yang, A. S., Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K. K., "Theoretical Study of Supersonic Flow Separation over a Rearward Facing Step," 27th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Sacramento, CA, June 1991.
Lu, Y. C., Yang, V., and Kuo, K. K., "Pyrolysis, Ignition, and Thermal Analyses of Ethylene Propylene Terpolymers (EPDM)," 27th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Sacramento, CA, June 1991.
Rivera, J. D., Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K. K., "Theoretical Modelling of the Combustion Processes of Programmed Splitting Stick Propellants," 13th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Nagoya, Japan, July 1991.
Hsieh, W. H., Peretz, A., Huang, I. T., and Kuo, K.K., "Combustion Behavior of Boron Based BAMO/NMMO Fuel Rich Solid Propellants," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 497-504, July-August, 1991.
Chen, J. L., Cheung, F. B., and Kuo, K. K., "Effects of Electrical/Chemical Energy Input on the Interior Ballistics of an Electrothermal Chemical Gun," Fifth International Gun Propellant Symposium, ARDEC, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ., October 1991.
Ritchie, S. J., Fetherolf, B. L., Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K. K., "A Comparative Analysis of the Convective and Radiative Ignition Processes of XM-39 Solid Propellant," 28th JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, San Antonio, TX, October 1991.
Fetherolf, B. L., Liiva, P. M., Litzinger, T. A., and Kuo, K. K., "Thermal and Chemical Structure of the Preparation and Reaction Zones for RDX and RDX Composite Propellants," 28th JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, San Antonio, TX., October 1991.
Fetherolf, B. L., Litzinger, T. A., and Kuo, K.K., "An Instrument for Measuring High Power Laser Beam Profiles and Beam Attenuation," Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 61(1), pp. 7 10, January 1990.
Kuo, K. K., "Present Challenges in Solid Propellant Combustion Research," 18th Symposium on Explosive Materials, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, May 1990.
Kuo, K. K., Yang, V., Litzinger, T. A., Thynell, S. T., and Hsieh, W. H., "Fundamental Combustion Processes of Particle Laden Shear Flows in Solid Fuel Ramjets," AFOSR/ONR Propulsion Contractors' Meeting, Atlanta, GA, June 1990.
Klotz, S. Thynell, S. T., Huang, I. T., and Kuo, K. K., "Analysis of Plumes of Solid Propellant Combustion Using an FT-IR Spectrometer," 26th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Orlando, FL, July 1990, AIAA-90-1850.
Rivera, J. D., Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K. K., "Experimental Study and Modeling of the Combustion of Programmed Splitting Stick Propellants," 26th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Orlando, FL, July 1990, AIAA-90-2198.
Snyder, T. S., Jarymowycz, T. A., Pace, K. K., and Kuo, K. K., "Solid Fuel Ignition and Combustion Characteristics Under High Speed Crossflows," 26th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Orlando, FL, July 1990, AIAA-90-2075.
Pace, K. K., Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K. K., "Hot Fragment Conductive Ignition Characteristics of Solid Propellants," 26th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Orlando, FL, July 1990, AIAA-90-2195.
Woodward, R. D., Garner, K. N., Cheung, F. B., and Kuo, K. K., "Breakup Phenomena of a Coaxial Jet in the Non Dilute Region Using Real Time X Ray Radiography," 26th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Orlando, FL, July 1990, AIAA-90-1958.
Ritchie, S. J., Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K. K., "Convective Ignition Phenomena of LOVA Propellants," 26th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Orlando, FL, July 1990, AIAA-90-2194.
Jarymowycz, T., Yang, V., and Kuo, K., "A Numerical Study of Solid Fuel Combustion Under Supersonic Crossflows," 26th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Orlando, FL, July 1990, AIAA-90-2076.
Hsieh, W. H. and Kuo, K.K., "Erosive and Strand Burning of Stick Propellants, Part II: Theoretical Modeling of Erosive Burning Processes, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 400 406, July-August 1990.
Hsieh, W. H., Char, J. M., Zanotti, C., and Kuo, K.K., "Erosive and Strand Burning of Stick Propellants, Part I: Measurements of Burning Rates and Thermal Wave Structures," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 392 399, July-August 1990.
Char, J. M., Kuo, K.K., and Hsieh, K. C., "Observations of Breakup Processes of Liquid Jets Using Real Time X Ray Radiography," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 544 551, Sept.-Oct. 1990.
Kuo, K. K., Litzinger, T. A., Yang, V., Thynell, S. T., and Hsieh, W. H., "Ignition and Combustion Behavior of Boron Based Solid Fuels Under Crossflow and Stagnant Conditions," ONR Propulsion Meeting/Contractor's Review, Newport, RI, October 1990.
Kuo, K. K., Thynell, S. T., and Hsieh, W. H., "Non Intrusive IR Diagnostic System for Temperature and Species Measurements," ONR Propulsion Meeting/Contractor's Review, Newport, RI, October 1990.
Salizzoni, R. M., Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K. K., "Regression Behavior and Temperature Sensitivity Measurements of Very High Burning Rate Propellants," 27th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Cheyenne, WY, November 1990.
Jarymowycz, T. A., Pace, K. K., Snyder, T. S., Yang, V., and Kuo, K. K., "Experimental Study of Solid Fuel Combustion Under High Crossflow Conditions," 27th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Cheyenne, WY, November 1990.
Ritchie, S. J., Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K. K., "Convective Ignition of LOVA Propellants," 27th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Cheyenne, WY, November 1990.
Rivera, J. D., Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K. K., " Combustion Behavior of Programmed Splitting Stick Propellants," 27th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Cheyenne, WY, November 1990.
Kuo, K. K., Cheung, F. B., Hsieh, W. H., Chen, J. L., Marinos, C. D., and Dick, W. J., "Experimental Study of Plasma/Fluid Interaction in a Simulated CAPtm Gun," 27th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Cheyenne, WY, November 1990.
Chen, J. L., Kuo, K. K., and Cheung, F. B., "Theoretical Modeling of the Interior Ballistic Processes in the Electrothermal Gun," 27th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Cheyenne, WY, November 1990.
Chuang, C. L., Cherng, D. L., Hsieh, W. H., Settles, G. S., and Kuo, K. K., "Study of Flowfield Structure in a Simulated Solid Propellant Ducted Rocket," 27th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 1989, AIAA-89-0011.
Char, J. M. and Kuo, K.K., "Study of Combustion Processes of Single Perforated Stick Propellants," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 262 268, May-June 1989.
Hsieh, W. H., Peretz, A., Huang, I. T., and Kuo, K. K., "Combustion Behavior of Boron Based BAMO/NMMO Fuel Rich Solid Propellants," 25th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Monterey, CA, July 1989, AIAA-89-2884.
Conroy, P. J., Yeh, Y. P., Cheung, F. B., Litzinger, T. A., Kuo, K. K., Koo, J. H., and Pan, Y. C., "Jet Impingement and Ablative Material Erosion Studies for a Vertical Launching System," 1989 JANNAF Propulsion Meeting, Cleveland, OH, May 1989.
Thynell, S. T., Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K. K., "Real Time X Ray Radiography System and Combustion FT-IR Diagnostics," AFOSR/ONR Contractors Review Meeting, Irvine, CA, October 1989.
Jarymowycz, T. A., Yang, V., and Kuo, K. K., "Calculations of Chemically Reacting Shear Flows Above Solid Fuels," 26th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, October 1989.
Ritchie, S. J., Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K. K., "Convective Ignition of LOVA Propellants Subjected to Crossflow Heating Conditions," 26th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, October 1989.
Harris, L. E. and Kuo, K. K., "Workshop Report: Advanced Diagnostics for Propellant Combustion," 26th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, October 1989.
Snyder, T. S., Jarymowycz, T. A., Hsieh, W. H., Yang, V., and Kuo, K. K., "Pyrolysis and Combustion of Solid Fuels Under Both Subsonic and Supersonic Conditions," 26th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, October 1989.
Marinos, C. D., Pfenning, T. M., Dick, W. G., Chryssomallis, G. S., Kuo, K. K., Cheung, F. B., Hsieh, W. H., and Chen, J. L., "X-ray Radiography Study of the Interaction Between a Plasma Jet and the Working Fluid of a Combustion Augmented Plasma Gun," 26th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, October 1989.
Salizzoni, R. M., Hsieh, W. H., Peretz, A, and Kuo, K. K., "Some High Pressure Characteristics of VHBR Propellants," 26th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, October 1989.
Norton, J., Bush, R., Miller, M. S., Holmes, H., Straus, B., Jameson, C., Pace, K. K., Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K. K., "Round Robin Study of Hot Fragment Conductive Ignition Test," 26th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, October 1989.
Cherng, D. L., Yang, V., and Kuo, K.K., "Numerical Study of Turbulent Reacting Flows in Solid Propellant Ducted Rocket Combustors," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 678 685, Nov.-Dec. 1989.
Kuo, K. K., Yang, V., Litzinger, T. A., Thynell, S. T., and Hsieh, W. H., "Fundamental Combustion Processes of Particle Laden Shear Flows in Solid Fuel Ramjets," AFOSR/ONR Propulsion Contractors' Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, June 1988.
Chen, D. M., Hsieh, W. H., Snyder, T. S., Yang, V., and Kuo, K. K., "Study of Thermochemical Properties and Combustion Modes of Metal Based Solid Fuels," 24th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Boston, MA, July 1988.
Cherng, D. L., Yang, V., and Kuo, K. K., "Simulation of Three Dimensional Turbulent Reacting Flows in Solid Propellant Ducted Rocket Combustors," 24th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Boston, MA, July 1988, AIAA-88-3042.
Kuo, K.K., Hsieh, W. H., Hsieh, K. C., and Miller, M. S., "Modeling of Hot Fragment Conductive Ignition of Solid Propellants with Applications to Melting and Evaporation of Solids," Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 110, pp. 670 679, August, 1988.
Chuang, C. L., Cherng, D. L., Hsieh, W. H., Settles, G. S., and Kuo, K. K., "Flow Visualization of a Simulated Solid Propellant Ducted Rocket Motor," 25th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, October 1988.
Kuo, K. K. and Robbins, F. W., "Workshop Report: Combustion Characteristics of Stick Propellants," 25th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, October 1988.
Snyder, T. S., Chen, D. M., Fetherolf, B. L., Litzinger, T. A., and Kuo, K. K., "Pyrolysis and Ignition of Boron Based Solid Fuels for Ramjet Applications," 25th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, October 1988.
Field, R. and Kuo, K. K., "Observation of Multi Dimensional Flame Structures of LOVA Propellants," 25th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, October 1988.
Salizzoni, R. M., Hsieh, W. H., Kuo, K. K., and Juhasz, A. A., "Study of Combustion Behavior of Very High Burning Rate Propellants using a Real Time X Ray Radiography System," 25th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, October 1988.
Stiefel, L. and Kuo, K. K., "Workshop Report: Ignition of Low Sensitivity Gun Propellant Charges," 25th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, October 1988.
Hsieh, W. H., Cheng, J. J., and Kuo, K. K., "Strand Burning Characteristics of Advanced Boron Based BAMO/NMMO Fuel Rich Solid Propellants," 1988 Fall Technical Meeting of the Eastern Section of the Combustion Institute, Florida, December 1988.
Kim, J. U., Torikai, T., and Kuo, K. K., "Ignition Dynamics of Nitramine Composite Propellants Under CO2 Laser Heating," 25th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 1987, AIAA-87-0564.
Kuo, K.K., Moreci, J., and Mantzaras, J., "Different Modes of Crack Propagation in Burning Solid Propellants," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 19 25, Jan.-Feb. 1987.
Char, J. M. and Kuo, K. K., "Study of Combustion Processes of Single Perforated Stick Propellants," 23rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, CA, June 1987, AIAA-87-2029.
Char, J. M., Kuo, K. K., and Hsieh, K. C., "Observations of Breakup Processes of Liquid Jets Using Real Time X Ray Radiography," 23rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, CA, June 1987, AIAA-87-2137.
Hsieh, W. H., Char, J. M., Zanotti, C., and Kuo, K. K., "Erosive Burning Study of Stick Propellants," 23rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, CA, June 1987, AIAA-87-2032.
Cherng, D. L., Yang, V., and Kuo, K. K., "Theoretical Study of Turbulent Reacting Flows in a Solid Propellant Ducted Rocket Combustor," 23rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, CA, June 1987, AIAA-87-1723.
Hsieh, K. C., Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K. K., "Modeling of Hot Fragment Conductive Ignition Processes of LOVA Propellants," 24th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Monterey, CA, October 1987.
Char, J. M., Smedley, J., Nimis, J., and Kuo, K. K., "Dimensional Analysis and Experimental Observation of the Coupling Phenomena Between Combustion and Fracture of Damaged Propellant Samples," 24th JANNAF Conference, Monterey, CA, October 1987.
Hsieh, W. H., Zanotti, C., Char, J. M., and Kuo, K. K., "Measurement of Burning Rates of NOSOL 363 Propellant Under Cross Flow and Strand Burner Conditions Using Real Time X-ray Radiography," 24th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Monterey, CA, October 1987.
Chen, D. M., Snyder, T. S., Kuo, K. K., Litzinger, T. A., Fetherolf, B. L., Zanotti, C., and Kim, J. U., "Ignition and Pyrolysis Study of Boron Based Solid Fuels for Ramjet Applications, 1987 Fall Meeting of the Eastern Section of the Combustion Institute, Gaithersburg, MD, November 1987.
Kuo, K. K., Cheung, F. B., Litzinger, T. A., and Yeh, Y. P., "Erosion of Ablative Materials of a Vertical Launching System by Missile Exhaust Plumes," 1987 JANNAF Propulsion Meeting, San Diego, CA, December 1987.
Kuo, K. K. and Moreci, J. A., "Dimensionless Parameters Governing Crack Propagation and Branching Processes in Burning Solid Propellants Under Dynamic Loading," 1986 JANNAF Propulsion Systems Hazards Meeting, Monterey, CA, March 1986.
Hsieh, W. H., Char, J. M., Hsieh, K. C., and Kuo, K. K., "Modeling and Measurements of Erosive Burning of Stick Propellants," 22nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Huntsville, AL, June 1986, AIAA-86-1451.
Kim, J. U., Torikai, T., and Kuo, K. K., "Thermal Decomposition and Ignition of a Series of New Nitramine LOVA Propellants by CO2 Laser," 23rd JANNAF Combustion Meeting, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, October 1986.
Hsieh, K. C. and Kuo, K. K., "Numerical Simulation of Combustion Processes of Mobile Stick Propellant Bundles," 23rd JANNAF Combustion Meeting, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, October 1986.
Kuo, K. K., Hsieh, W. H., Hsieh, K. C., and Miller, R. L., "Simulation of Hot Fragment Conductive Ignition Processes of Solid Propellants," 1986 ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, December 1986, Paper No. 86 WA/HT 13.
Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K. K., "Numerical Simulation of Erosive Burning of Unslotted Stick Propellants," Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion, Fall 1986 Technical Meeting of the Eastern Section of the Combustion Institute, San Juan, PR, pp. 13-1 to 13-4, December 1986.
Char, J. M. and Kuo, K. K., "Combustion and Rupture of Single Perforated Stick Propellants," Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion, Fall 1986 Technical Meeting of the Eastern Section of the Combustion Institute, San Juan, PR, pp. 12-1 to 12-4, December 1986.
Kim, J. U., Torikai, T., Chen, D. M., and Kuo, K. K., "Laser Ignition of Nitramine Propellants," Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion, Fall 1986 Technical Meeting of the Eastern Section of the Combustion Institute, San Juan, PR, pp. 11-1 to 11-4, December 1986.
Keswani, S. T. and Kuo, K.K., "Validation of an Aerothermochemical Model for Graphite Nozzle Recession and Heat Transfer Processes," Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 47, pp. 177 192, 1986.
Kim, J. U., Koo, F. H., Torikai, T, and Kuo, K. K., "Comparison of Ignition Characteristics of a Series of RDX Based Composite Propellants Under Rapid Pressurization," 21st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Monterey, CA, July 1985, AIAA-85-1175.
Mantzaras, J., Moreci, J., and Kuo, K. K., "Different Modes of Crack Propagation in Burning Solid Propellants," 21st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Monterey, CA, July 1985, AIAA-85-1176.
Keswani, S. T., Andiroglu, E., Campbell, J. D., and Kuo, K.K., "Recession Behavior of Graphitic Nozzles in Simulated Rocket Motors," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 396 397, July-Aug. 1985.
Athavale, M. M., Hsieh, K. C., Hsieh, W. H., Char, J. M., and Kuo, K. K., "Observations of the Combustion and Fracture Phenomena of Single Unslotted Stick Propellants," 22nd JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, October 1985.
Kuo, K.K. and Keswani, S. T., "A Comprehensive Theoretical Model for Carbon Carbon Composite Nozzle Recession," Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 42, pp. 145 164, 1985.
Kumar, M., Wills, J. E., Kulkarni, A. K., and Kuo, K.K., "A Comprehensive Model for AP Based Composite Propellant Ignition," AIAA Journal, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 526 534, April 1984.
Mantzaras, J. and Kuo, K. K., "Recovery of Damaged Solid Propellants by Interrupting Burning and Crack Propagation Processes," 1984 JANNAF Propulsion Systems Hazards Subcommittee Meeting, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, June 1984.
Keswani, S. T. and Kuo, K. K., "Validation of an Aerothermochemical Model for Graphite Nozzle Recession and Heat Transfer Processes," 1984 Technical Meeting of the Eastern Section of the Combustion Institute, Clearwater Beach, FL, December 1984.
Kuo, K. K., Hsieh, W. H., Hsieh, K. C., and Kumar, M., "Hot Fragment Conductive Ignition of Solid Propellants Part I: Theoretical Modeling," 1984 Technical Meeting of the Eastern Section of the Combustion Institute, Clearwater Beach, FL, December 1984.
Arora, R., Wu, X., White, F. X., and Kuo, K.K., "Erosive Burning of Composite Solid Propellants: Mechanism, Correlation, and Grain Design Applications," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 43 48, January-February 1983.
Keswani, S. T. and Kuo, K. K., "An Aerothermochemical Model of Carbon Carbon Composite Nozzle Recession," 24th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Lake Tahoe, NV, May 1983.
Yu, S., Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K. K., "Ignition of Nitramine Propellants under Rapid Pressurization," 19th AIAA/SAE/ASME Joint Propulsion Conference, Seattle, WA, June 1983, AIAA-83-1194.
Keswani, S. T., Andiroglu, E., Campbell, J. D., and Kuo, K. K., "Recession Behavior of Graphitic Nozzles in Simulated Rocket Motors," 19th AIAA/SAE/ASME Joint Propulsion Conference, Seattle, WA, June 1983, AIAA-83-1317.
Kuo, K. K., Siefert, J. G., Kumar, M., Hsieh, W. H., and Andiroglu, E., "Mechanisms of Crack Propagation in Burning Solid Propellants," 1983 JANNAF Propulsion Systems Hazards Subcommittee Meeting, September 1983.
Yu, S., Hsieh, W. H., and Kuo, K. K., "Nitramine Propellant Ignition Under Rapid Gas Loading Conditions," 20th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, October 1983.
Wu, X., Kumar, M., and Kuo, K.K., "A Comprehensive Erosive Burning Model for Double Base Propellants in Strong Turbulent Shear Flow," Combustion and Flame, Vol. 53, pp. 49 63, 1983.
Razdan, M. K. and Kuo, K.K., "Turbulent Flow Analysis of Erosive Burning of Cylindrical Composite Solid Propellants," AIAA Journal, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 122 128, January 1982.
Kulkarni, A. K., Kumar, M., and Kuo, K.K., "Review of Solid Propellant Ignition Studies," AIAA Journal, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 243 244, February 1982.
Wills, J. E., Kumar, M., Kulkarni, A. K., and Kuo, K. K., "Abrupt Ignition of AP Based Composite Propellants under Severe Gas Loading Conditions," 1982 JANNAF Propulsion Systems Hazards Subcommittee Meeting, China Lake, CA, April 1982.
Kamath, H., Arora, R., and Kuo, K. K., "Erosive Burning Measurements and Predictions for a Highly Aluminized Composite Solid Propellants," 18th AIAA/SAE/ASME Joint Propulsion Conference, Cleveland, OH, June 1982, AIAA-82-1041.
Kumar, M., Wills, J. E., Kulkarni, A. K., Kuo, K. K., "A Model for AP Based Composite Propellant Ignition Including Gas Phase and Subsurface Reactions," 18th AIAA/SAE/ASME Joint Propulsion Conference, Cleveland, OH, June 1982, AIAA-82-1109.
Siefert, J. G. and Kuo, K. K., "Experimental Observations of Crack Propagation in Burning Solid Propellants," 19th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Greenbelt, MD, October 1982.
Kuo, K. K. and Keswani, S. T., "A Comprehensive Theoretical Model for Graphite Nozzle Recession," 1982 JANNAF Rocket Nozzle Technology Subcommittee Meeting, October 1982.
Arora, R., Kuo, K.K., and Razdan, M. K., "Near Wall Treatment for Turbulent Boundary Layer Computations," AIAA Journal, Vol. 20, No. 11, pp. 1481 1482, November 1982.
Arora, R., Wu, X., White, F. X. and Kuo, K. K., "Erosive Burning of Composite Solid Propellants: Mechanism, Correlation, and Application to Grain Design," 17th AIAA/SAE/ASME Joint Propulsion Conference, Colorado Springs, CO, July 1981, AIAA-81-1581.
Wills, J. E., Kumar, J., Kulkarni, A. K., Hund, M. and Kuo, K. K., "Investigation of Composite Propellant Ignition under Rapid Pressurization," 18th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, October 1981.
Kulkarni, A. K., Kumar, M., and Kuo, K. K., "A Comprehensive Ignition Model for Composite Solid Propellants," 18th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, October 1981.
Yang, V. and Kuo, K.K., "Transient Compaction Processes in Granular Beds Caused by Venting of Primer Products," Journal of Ballistics, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1025-1045, 1981.
Chen, D. Y., Yang, V., Kuo, K.K., "Boundary Condition Specification for Mobile Granular Propellant Bed Combustion Processes," AIAA Journal, Vol. 19, No. 11, pp. 1429-1437, November 1981.
Kumar, M., Kovacic, S. M., and Kuo, K.K., "Flame Propagation and Combustion Processes in Solid Propellant Cracks," AIAA Journal, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 610-618, 1981.
Kumar, M. and Kuo, K.K., "Effect of Deformation on Flame Spreading and Combustion in Propellant Cracks," AIAA Journal, Vol. 19, No. 12, pp. 1580-1589, December 1981.
Chen, D. Y. and Kuo, K. K., "Boundary Condition Treatment of Transient Two Phase Flows in Gun Systems," 18th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Pasadena, CA, January 1980, AIAA-80-0080.
Kuo, K.K., Yang, V., Moore, B. B., "Intragranular Stress, Particle Wall Friction and Speed of Sound in Granular Propellant Beds," Journal of Ballistics, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 697 730, January 1980.
Kulkarni, A. K., Kumar, M., and Kuo, K. K., "Review of Solid Propellant Ignition Studies," 16th AIAA/SAE/ASME Joint Propulsion Conference, Hartford, CT, June 1980, AIAA-80-1210.
Razdan, M. K. and Kuo, K. K., "Turbulent Flow Analysis and Measurements of Erosive Burning Rates of Composite Solid Propellants," 16th AIAA/SAE/ASME Joint Propulsion Conference, Hartford, CT, June 1980, AIAA-80-1209.
Kumar, M., Kovacic, S. W., and Kuo, K. K., "Gas Penetration, Flame Propagation, and Combustion Processes in Solid Propellant Cracks," 16th AIAA/SAE/ASME Joint Propulsion Conference, Hartford, CT, June 1980, AIAA-80-1206.
Razdan, M. K. and Kuo, K.K., "Measurements and Model Validation for Composite Propellants Burning under Cross Flow of Gases," AIAA Journal, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 669 677, June 1980.
Yang, V. and Kuo, K. K., "Transient Compaction Processes in Granular Beds Caused by Venting of Primers Products," 17th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, September 1980.
Kumar, M. and Kuo, K. K., "Effect of Propellant Deformation on Ignition and Combustion Processes in Solid Propellant Cracks," 1980 JANNAF Propulsion Systems Hazards Meeting, Monterey, CA, October 1980.
Caveny, L. H., Kuo, K.K. and Shackelfold, B. W., "Thrust and Ignition Transients of the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 489 494, November-December 1980.
Kumar, M. and Kuo, K.K., "Ignition of Solid Propellant Crack Tip Under Rapid Pressurization," AIAA Journal, Vol. 18, No. 7, pp. 825 833, 1980.
Caveny, L. H., Kuo, K. K. and Shackelfold, B. W., "Thrust and Ignition Transients of the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor," 15th AIAA/SAE/ASME Joint Propulsion Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 1979, AIAA-79-1137.
Razdan, M. K. and Kuo, K. K., "Experimental Measurements of Erosion Burning Rates of Composite Solid Propellants," 15th AIAA/SAE/ASME Joint Propulsion Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 1979, AIAA-79-1172.
Kumar, M. and Kuo, K. K., "Ignition Phenomena Near the Closed End of a Solid Propellant Crack," 15th AIAA/SAE/ASME Joint Propulsion Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 1979, AIAA-79-1175.
Davis, T. R. and Kuo, K.K., "Experimental Study of the Combustion Processes in Granular Propellant Beds," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 203-209, July-August 1979.
Kuo, K. K., Moore, B. B., and Chen, D. Y., "Characterization of Mass Flow Rates for Various Percussion Primers," Seventh International Colloquium on Gasdynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Gottingen, W. Germany, August 1979.
Kuo, K. K., Moore, B. B. and Yang, V., "Measurement and Correlation of Intragranular Stress and Particle Wall Friction in Granular Propellant Beds," 16th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, September 1979.
Razdan, M. K. and Kuo, K.K., "Erosive Burning Study of Composite Solid Propellants by Turbulent Boundary Layer Approach," AIAA Journal, Vol. 17, No. 11, pp. 1225-1233, November 1979.
Kuo, K. K., "Convective Burning in a Single Solid Propellant Crack," Workshop on Transition from Deflagration to Detonation, sponsored by ONR, AFOSR, January 1978.
Kuo, K. K. and Chen, D. Y., "Specifications of Boundary Conditions in Transient Multiphase Flows in a Simulated Gun," Proceedings of ARO/BRL Workshop on Multiphase Flows, February 1978.
Razdan, M. K. and Kuo, K. K., "Erosive Burning of Composite Solid Propellants by Turbulent Boundary Layer Approach," 14th AIAA/SAE Joint Propulsion Conference, Las Vegas, NV, July 1978, AIAA-78-978.
Kuo, K.K., Chen, A. T. and Davis, T. R., "Convective Burning in Solid Propellant Cracks," AIAA Journal, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 600-607, 1978.
Kuo, K.K. and Nydegger, C., "Flow Resistance Measurement and Correlation in Packed Beds of WC 870 Ball Propellants," Journal of Ballistics, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-26, 1978.
Kuo, K. K., Chen, A. T., and Davis, T. R., "Transient Flame Spreading and Combustion Processes Inside a Solid Propellant Crack," 15th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, January 1977, AIAA-77-14.
Davis, T. R. and Kuo, K. K., "An Experimental Study of the Transient Combustion Processes in Granular Propellant Beds," 15th AIAA/SAE Propulsion Conference, Orlando, FL, July 1977, AIAA-77-854.
Coates, G. R. and Kuo, K. K., "Dynamic Burning Assessment in the Combustion of Mobile Granular Solid Propellants under Intense Forced Convective," Sixth International Colloquium on Gasdynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, August 1977.
Kuo, K.K., Koo, J. H., Davis, T. R., and Coates, G. R., "Transient Combustion in Mobile Gas Permeable Propellants," ACTA Astronautics, Vol. 3, No. 7, pp. 573-591, 1976.
Kuo, K. K., "A Summary of the JANNAF Workshop on Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Measurement of the Combustion and Fluid Flow Process in Gun Propellant Charges," 13th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, December 1976.
Kuo, K.K. and Summerfield, M., "Theory of Steady State Burning of Gas Permeable Propellants," AIAA Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 49-56, January 1974.
Kuo, K. K. and Razdan, M. K., "Review of Erosive Burning of Solid Propellants," 12th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, December 1975.
Kuo, K. K. and Summerfield, M., "Theory of Steady State Burning of Porous Propellants by Means of a Gas Penetration Mechanism," 11th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Washington, DC, January 1973, AIAA-73-221.
Peretz, A., Kuo, K.K., Caveny, L. H. and Summerfield, M., "The Starting Transient of Solid Propellant Rocket Motors with High Gas Velocities," AIAA Journal, Vol. 11, No. 12, 1917-1927, December 1973.
Kuo, K.K., Vichnevetsky, R. and Summerfield, M., "Theory of Flame Front Propagation in Porous Propellant Changes under Confinement," AIAA Journal, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 444-451, April 1973.
Turk, S. L., Battista, R. A., Kuo, K.K., Caveny, L. H. and Summerfield, M., "Dynamic Response of Solid Rockets During Rapid Pressure Change," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 137-142, February 1973.
Kuo, K. K., Vichnevetsky, R., Johnston, M. P., Caveny, L. H., and Summerfield, M., "Flammability of Solid Propellants in Air Based on a Nonadiabatic Flame Model," Fall Technical Meeting of the Eastern Section of the Combustion Institute, Princeton, NJ, December 1972.
Kuo, K. K., Vichnevetsky, R., and Summerfield, M., "Generation of an Accelerated Flame Front in a Porous Propellant," 9th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 1971, AIAA-71-210.